Simple Faith

Something Worth Living For

As Christians, how do we know what we know? This simple question challenges the nature of information, how we learn, decision making, who we are, and who this God is that we worship. If this challenge appears optional; it is not—our post-Christian culture questions every faith assumption. Simple Faith examines these questions and discusses implications for faith and life.

An important implication of this study is that faith plays a critical role into how we think, learn, and make decisions in the context of limited resources and an uncertain future. Even scientific inquiry requires faith, which normally gets hidden in untested assumptions and presumptions about what is interesting to investigate. Often the critical arguments driving our decisions are not cold hard facts, but the stories that we tell in the midst of complex decision environments.

The timing of this inquiry is critical. The movement from modern to postmodern thinking has upended most institutions, but especially the Christian church. The separation of heart and mind, which characterizes modern thinking, eroded faith leaving the church in a weak position to adapt to the rapid changes accompanying postmodernism. Ironically, postmodern thinking that values storytelling favors Christian faith because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best story around.

Keywords: epistemology, faith, Christian philosophy, theology, apologetics, knowledge, decision making

Categories: Spiritual growth, apologetics

Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC

Everyday Prayers for Everyday People

Everyday Prayers for Everyday People
Editions:Kindle: $ 4.95
ISBN: 9781942199342 
Size: 5.00 x 8.00 in
Pages: 152

God’s mercy carries us day in and day out. His love comes to us everyday through simple things—unexpected beauty in a garbage heap; encouragement from a stranger; sunshine bursting through a thunder-shower. Is it any wonder that the Apostle Paul admonishes us to pray without ceasing? (1 Thes 5:17) In doing so, we model what was first modeled to us.

Prayer might be called the language of the heart. Yet, because emotion and thinking are inseparable in the biblical tradition, our heart’s language is both highly emotive and deeply theological. And because our identity is in Christ, our heart’s language is also both immanent and transcendent. The Holy Spirit is both the author and recipient of our prayers. Even ordinary prayers can do extra-ordinary things.

This book, Everyday Prayers for Everyday People, assembles 99 weekly prayers composed from September 2016 through September 2018 by author, Stephen W. Hiemstra. These prayers have been organized into a dozen topics: presence and protection, faith, church, Sabbath rest, adoration, healing, holidays, strength, family, intercession, seasons, and lamentations. The single longest topic is holidays with fourteen prayers.

Hear the words; walk the steps; experience the joy!

Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC

Spiritual Trilogy

A Compilation

Stephen W. Hiemstra, Spiritual Trilogy
Editions:Kindle: $ 9.99
ISBN: 9781942199212
ePub: $ 9.99
ISBN: 9781942199274

This trilogy combines three books published previously: A Christian Guide to Spirituality, Life in Tension, and Called Along the Way. Together they chronicle a spiritual journey during the period from 2013 through 2017. The first two books focus on the question—who is God?—while the third book focuses on the question—who are we? The call to faith and ministry is personal but it is also corporal, being informed by the community of faith at one time and in one place.

The original books have been reproduced as published. Offering them together makes them available more economically and draws attention to their common purpose. Because spirituality is lived belief, it is important to reflect on what we say we believe and what we actually practice. This reflective process is inherently stressful but it is a normal part of our Christian journey as we prepare in this life for the next.

Hear the words; walk the steps; experience the joy!


Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC
Reviews:David A. Currie, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, wrote:

Stephen provides a helpful, accessible guide using the classic catechetical structure of the Apostles' Creed,  the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments.

In reference to A Christian Guide to Spirituality

Darrell L. Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary, wrote:

We live in a fallen world. It leads to life in tension, and sometimes a life full of stress. Stephen Hiemstra takes us on a needed tour of the kind of character it takes to face such a life.

In reference to Life in Tension

Aaron Gordon, Pastor, wrote:

Have you ever wondered if the church in America is mortally wounded? Is God really dead as the infamous 1966 Time magazine cover reported? This memoir offers evidence to the contrary.

In reference to Called Along the Way

Called Along the Way

A Spiritual Memoir

Called Along the Way
Editions:Paperback: $ 16.95
ISBN: 978-1942199250
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 390
Kindle: $ 4.95
Pages: 320
Nook: $ 4.49
ISBN: 9781942199175
Pages: 390

In Called Along the Way I describe my faith journey from unbeliever to believer, from cultural Christian to active disciple, from disciple to realization of call, and from seminary to early ministry. Unlike Adam and Eve, my story does not begin the Garden of Eden. If you too have struggled with your faith walk, then my story may offer solace. Even in our baby steps of faith, God promises to walk with us.

Life appears most confusing when we fixate too much on the present, forget our own history, and lose sight of the future. As Christians, we know that our future is in Christ and because we know the end of the story, we also know that present afflictions are temporary, not the end of the story. The past reminds us of the many afflictions that we have already overcome, God’s gracious work in our lives, and the many blessings that God has given us.

Category: Biography & Autobiography

Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC
Reviews:Aaron Gordon, Pastor wrote:

Have you ever wondered if the church in America is mortally wounded? Is God really dead as the infamous 1966 Time magazine cover reported? This memoir offers evidence to the contrary.

Nohemi Zerbi, Chemical Engineer wrote:

Stephen opens up his life story for us to delve into, investigate, and learn from. It provides an excellent inside view of how God uses every facet of our lives to mold us and to use us for His glory.

Jonathan Jenkins, Pastor wrote:

Stephen's spiritual journey is interesting because it has taken place along the pathway of enormous changes in America.


Prayers by Stephen W. Hiemstra
Editions:Kindle: $ 0.99
ISBN: B06Y15XYPN / 9781942199120
Pages: 66
Nook: $ 1.00
ISBN: B06Y15XYPN / 9781942199120
Pages: 210

Spirituality is lived belief. When we pray, worship, or reach out to our neighbors, we live out our beliefs. Our beliefs structure our spirituality like skin stretched over the bones of our bodies.

These beliefs start with faith in God the Father through Jesus Christ as revealed through the Holy Spirit in scripture, in the church, and in daily life. Our Trinitarian theology orders our beliefs. Without a coherent theology, we lose our identity in space and time having no map or compass to guide us on our way. In the end, we focus on ourselves, not God.

Christian spirituality starts with God, not with us.

A Christian Guide to Spirituality takes the form of 50 daily devotions. Each topic is treated with a scriptural reference and a prayer.

Reading A Christian Guide to Spirituality will help readers understand Christian spirituality better and nurture their faith. There is no such thing as quality time with the Lord; there is only time. The living God speaks to us in many ways, but especially through scripture. These three sources cited (Apostle's Creed, Lord's Prayer, and Ten Commandments) are commonly called the "rule of faith" (regula fidei) and were utilized for nearly two millennia as a means to apprentice the faith. These sources are the heart of the confessions of most Christian faith communities and denominations.

Hear the words; walk the steps; experience the joy!

Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC


Editions:Kindle - Spanish Edition
ISBN: B01M3RBBUR / 9781942199199
Pages: 64
Nook - Spanish Edition: $ 1.00
ISBN: B01M3RBBUR / 9781942199199

La espiritualidad es la creencia vivida.

Cuando oramos, adoramos, o ayudamos a nuestros prójimos, vivimos nuestra creencia. Nuestras creencias estructuran nuestra espiritualidad como la piel estirada sobre los huesos de nuestros cuerpos. Estas creencias empiezan con fe en Dios el Padre por medio de Jesús Cristo tal como es revelado a través del Espíritu Santo en la Biblia, la iglesia y la vida diaria.

Nuestra teología ordena nuestra creencia. Sin una teología coherente, perdemos nuestra identidad en el espacio y al tiempo no teniendo ni un mapa ni una brújula que nos guíe en nuestro camino. Al final, nos enfocamos nosotros mismos, no Dios.

La espiritualidad cristiana por esta razón comienza con Dios, no con nosotros.

En este libro hay cincuenta oraciones tomadas de Una Guía Cristiano a la Espiritualidad (2014) por el mismo autor. Estas oraciones están inspiradas por el Credo Apostólico, los Diez Mandamientos, y el Padre Nuestro.
Este libro podría ser clasificado apropiadamente en la oracion, la espiritualidad, el cristianismo, la devoción, y la fe.

Escucha las palabras; camina los pasos; experiencia la goza!

Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC

My Travel through Life

Memoir of Family Life and Federal Service

My Travel Through Life by Stephen J. Hiemstra
Editions:Paperback: $ 16.95
ISBN: 9781942199038
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 326
Kindle: $ 4.95

In My Travel Through Life, Stephen J. Hiemstra (Phd) chronicles his early life, schooling, military service, and service in the federal government. In this rags to riches story, read about how an Iowa farm boy finds love, earns a doctorate, serves his country, combats hunger, advises presidents, and starts the first doctoral program in hospitality anywhere.

Stephen is a Professor Emeritus at Purdue University and former Senior Research Fellow in the School of Business and Public Policy at George Washington University. He is the founder and Director of the hospitality Ph.D. program in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Purdue University.

Stephen grew up on a mixed, grain-livestock farm in near Oskaloosa, Iowa. He is a graduate with a bachelors and master’s degree from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. He received his doctorate in agricultural economics at University of California at Berkeley in 1960, after service in the U. S. Air Force. He is currently retired and living in Falls Church, Virginia with Hazel, his wife, of 60+ years.

Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC



Reviews:John E. Lee, Jr., Retired Administrator and Professor Emeritus wrote:

His role in the evolution of USDA’s programs that now feed millions of Americans should not be understated. There is much more to learn and enjoy in this very readable journey of a very productive life.                

Hailin Qu, Professor, Oklahoma State University wrote:

As we learned from Dr. Stephen J. Hiemstra, life is a journey where we travel from moment to moment, from research to education, from government to university, from discovery to discovery.

Dr. Carl A. Boger Jr., Professor, University of Houston wrote:

Dr. Hiemstra was a brilliant thinker, problem solver, patient with those who didn’t have his intellect, and a man of God. He was a statesman, leader, and, more importantly, my friend.                

Una Guía Cristiana a la Espiritualidad

Cimientos Para Discípulos

una guia cristiana a la espiritualidad
Editions:Paperback (Spanish) - Spanish Edition: $ 12.95 USD
ISBN: 9781942199014
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 258
Nook (Spanish) - Spanish Edition: $ 4.95 USD
ISBN: B014U6CWBO / 9781942199144
Kindle (Spanish) - Spanish Edition: $ 4.95 USD
ISBN: B014U6CWBO / 9781942199144

La espiritualidad es la creencia vivida.

Cuando oramos, adoramos, o ayudamos a nuestros prójimos, vivimos nuestra creencia. Nuestras creencias estructuran nuestra espiritualidad como la piel estirada sobre los huesos de nuestros cuerpos.

Estas creencias empiezan con fe en Dios el Padre por medio de Jesús Cristo tal como es revelado a través del Espíritu Santo en la Biblia, la iglesia y la vida diaria. Nuestra teología ordena nuestra creencia. Sin una teología coherente, perdemos nuestra identidad en el espacio y al tiempo no teniendo ni una mapa ni una brújula que nos guíe en nuestro camino. Al final, nos enfocamos nosotros mismos, no Dios.

La espiritualidad cristiana por esta razón comienza con Dios, no con nosotros.

Una Guía Cristiana a la Espiritualidad se presenta la espiritualidad cristiana en la forma de devociones cotidiana. Cada tema incluye una referencia de la escritura, una reflexión, una oración, y las preguntas para la discusión. Cuando es apropiado, se proporciónan referencias para estudiar más profundo. Los primeros cuatro capítulos (la Introducción, el Credo Apostólico, el Padre Nuestro, y los Diez Mandamientos) cubren 40 días, como un estudio de Cuaresma. Diez días más enfocan en las disciplinas espirituales y una conclusión corte.

Leyendo Una Guía Cristiana a la Espiritualidad es útil de comprender mejor la espiritualidad cristiana y de crecer su fe. No hay una cosa como calidad de tiempo con el Señor; sólo hay tiempo. El viviendo Dios nos habla en muchas maneras, pero especialmente a través de las escrituras. Las tres fuentes citadas (el Credo Apostólico, el Señor Nuestro, y los Diez Mandamientos) se llamaran como la regla de la fe (regula fidei) y fue utilizado por casi dos miles años como un método de aprender la fe. Estas fuentes son el corazón de las confesiones de la mayoría de comunidades de la fe cristiana y las denominaciones.

Escucha las palabras; camina los pasos; experiencia la goza!

Publicado en inglés en 2014 con el título: A Christian Guide to Spirituality.

Escucha: (link)



Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC
Reviews:Peter John Kreeft, Boston College wrote:

Tienes mi bendición. Es un libro que necesitaba ser escrito. Hará mucho bien.

Héctor Rodríguez, Presbyterian Mission Agency wrote:

Este libro es una gran contribución al concepto bíblico/ teológico de la espiritualidad cristiana.

David Broucek, La Misión Sudamericana wrote:

Me complace recomendar una guía a la espiritualidad y el discipulado basado en las fuentes que todos los cristianos tienen en común.

Eddy Alemán, Reformed Church in America wrote:

Stephen nos presenta una guía basada en el Credo Apostólico, el Padre Nuestro y los Diez mandamientos. Estoy seguro que este recurso será de mucha bendición para la iglesia hispana en Norteamérica.

Life in Tension

Reflections on the Beatitudes Revised

Editions:Paperback: $ 16.95
ISBN: 9781942199045
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 304
Kindle: $ 4.95
ISBN: B01KW0ICY8 / 9781942199076
Pages: 306
Nook: $ 4.95
ISBN: B01KW0ICY8 / 9781942199076
Pages: 273

Life in Tension reflects on Jesus' Beatitudes in the context of scripture. The Beatitudes serve as an introduction to the Sermon on the Mount and lay out Jesus' priorities in teaching his disciples. Because the sermon serves as a kind of ordination service for the Apostles, the importance of the Beatitudes for the early church, Christian spirituality, and discipleship today cannot be overstated.

When God enters our lives, we change.

Our new identity is in Christ comes into tension with our old identity in ourselves as the Holy Spirit works in our hearts and minds. This tension arises between who we were and who God created us to be, between us and God, and between us and those around us. The Apostle Paul calls the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives sanctification.

Hear the words; walk the steps; experience the joy!

This revised edition facilitates ease of reading. It has an updated cover, fewer Greek and Hebrew references, and fewer footnotes than the original edition. Some editing to enhance clarity has also been done.

Categories:  Spirituality and Spiritual growth

Keywords: Beatitudes, Christianity, spirituality, Jesus, Bible, devotion, prayer, spiritual growth, discipling, Christian spirituality, devotional, sanctification, and faith.

Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC
Reviews:Darrell L. Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary wrote:

We live in a fallen world. It leads to life in tension, and sometimes a life full of stress. Stephen Hiemstra takes us on a needed tour of the kind of character it takes to face such a life.

Sarah Hamaker, Author wrote:

We don't often think of our life as one lived in tension, but as believers that's exactly how we live. Stephen Hiemstra's Life in Tension takes us through the Beatitudes and provides a blueprint for Christians to navigate this tension with ourselves, with the world, and with Christ.

Stephen Macchia, Pierce Center for Disciple-Building wrote:

The Christian life is filled with tension, paradox, and upside down requisites for obedience to the biblical text and the clarion call of God.

Jonathan Jenkins, Pastor wrote:

Stephen Hiemstra's Life in Tension reminds me of Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship, because it is an earnest, personal effort to hear and follow the voice of Jesus here and now.

Percy Burns, Pastor, Charlotte, NC wrote:

I recommend Stephen Hiemstra's book, Life In Tension, to readers who want solutions to the stresses and burdens of life. It is generally accepted among Christians and even secular people that our lives have too much tension and too little peace. Surely, our Lord speaks with great wisdom as He gives answers for these dilemmas of life. He had better plans for us than most of us have yet consistently experienced. Stephen with courage gives practical answers for applying the profound truths of the Lord's words to our every day lives.

Forward by Nathanael Snow.

Prayers of a Life in Tension

prayers of a life in tension
Editions:Kindle: $ 0.99
ISBN: B01LYC15HQ / 9781942199168
Pages: 67
Nook: $ 1.00
ISBN: B01LYC15HQ / 9781942199168
Pages: 83

In the fall of 2014, I was invited to speak at a local mosque about my book, A Christian Guide to Spirituality. Speaking at a mosque was new to me and anticipating this visit I spent three days fasting and praying for guidance. Instead of guidance on the mosque visit, God inspired me to write Life in Tension: Reflections on the Beatitudes from which this prayer book is taken.

When God comes into our lives, we change.

Our new identity is in Christ comes into tension with our old identity in ourselves as the Holy Spirit works in our hearts and minds. This tension arises between who we were and who God created us to be, between us and God, and between us and those around us. The Apostle Paul calls the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives sanctification.

Life in Tension reflects on Jesus' Beatitudes in the context of scripture. The Beatitudes serve as an introduction to the Sermon on the Mount and lay out Jesus' priorities in teaching his disciples. Because the sermon serves as a kind of ordination service for the Apostles, the importance of the Beatitudes for the early church, Christian spirituality, and discipleship today cannot be overstated.

Hear the words; walk the steps; experience the joy!

Publisher: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC